Who we are

We are grateful for funding from various bodies who have provided grants to us, including: RWE Innogy, UK Kiln Pit Hill Windfarm Community Fund, EDF Renewables, County Durham Community Foundation, Boundary Lane Wind Farm Community Benefits Fund.

We have a small but dedicated of band members who have volunteered as trustees who help with managing the finances, organising publicity, arranging events and gigs and of course safe-guarding.

Safeguarding - The band master and three members of the committee are CRB (or DBS) cleared for work within schools. Mrs Claire Spencer is the named Safeguarding Coordinator. If children or vulnerable people are unaccompanied at rehearsals, parents/carers will need to sign a form to say they are happy with the Safeguarding arrangements.

The aims of the band are:

  • To create an all age concert band for instrument players of all standards.

  • To encourage inter-generational opportunities within the community.

  • To encourage more young people to continue playing an instrument at High School and beyond.

  • To encourage older residents who used to play an instrument in their youth to re-start.

  • To encourage adults to have-a-go at playing an instrument.

The money provided helped buy music scores, music stands and some much needed instruments plus pay for an experienced band master to guide our musical journey.